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Monday, June 17, 2013

Removing Temporary Tattoos

Temporary tattoos are fun for kiss goody bags and just pain fun...but when its time to go see family out of town or Sunday morning church time its not appropriate.

The labels on the tattoos say use rubbing alcohol to remove, but my kids skin turns red from rubbing and ends up being a sticky non ending task to remove! I've tried even letting then bath and soaking the area to be removed and still doesn't work as effectively.

My MomOfour trick is easier on the skin and removes quicker and cleaner than rubbing your child's
Top layer of skin off!

Easy and I know you have it in your cabinets!!


Finger nail polish! Any type..I use generic brands and work as well as the top brand products!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bathroom Drab to Fab part 2

 This project didn't take as long as I thought it might, I did have a good but of anticipation to see the finished product!! Step by step this is what I did....
  Color Theme...I took paint chips and matched the wood and the floor colors which were not going to change. I then chose a wall color and picked out a granite color that would flow better with what I  already have (wood trim and flooring)


#1 Prep the area by removing old caulking, clean and run a fresh bead of paintable caulking around the sink and wall, let dry 24 hrs
#2  Protect walls and sink with painters tape. Apply primer to the clean dry surface (Used the kilz brand and applied 2 coats)
#3 Start applying your first layer of acrylic paint (granite has multi-colors) with a sea sponge or scrunched paper towel
#4 Apply second color and keep layering until you get the result you planned for
#5 After dried completely start applying the clear sealant (I applied 7-8 layers with 2 hr drying time between)
#6 Allow to dry then take a utility knife to score a clean line to remove the tape without peeling (gives a straight line against the wall)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bathroom drab to fab part 1

Trying a new blogging site...taking it for Test   drive..this one has a bit more room not to mention more  options. I get frustrated going through the other site due to the fact it has too many bugs and in much need of attention to be fixed!!!! I want to share a day walking in a mother of fours shoes! I find ways to make crafts, bake, sew, and juggle a  farm & house full of kiddos! Right now my latest project was a secret until today when I revealed the finished project to my  husband. My bathroom needed a major redo! After 7 years the 1970's look expired, talking had to go!! On a budget as well. So the focus for change was that counter, eye soar!! These are the Drab before Fab pictures of the  challenged space.
     I will continue tomorrow showing you the steps of my bathroom make over " Drab to Fab"
