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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

DIY: Country Entryway Bench with Milk Crates

     Summer is almost over...hurry get all the diy projects I can get in!!!! Lol
   When the kids start school I start work, so summer is coming to an end and it's time to get the last projects ready before the school year starts.
     My goal is to have a well organized house and have a place for everything, between kids homework, dinner and laundry, there usually is little time for those diy projects during the school year (I always make time for quick small holiday projects during the  school year..can't do without lol)
     My mission: shoe organization!!! With 4 children I needed a better system than a  closet shoe rack avalanche at my front door. Plus on the decor side, I've been wanting a nice entry way bench...soooo...
     Solution!!!! Milk crates and some unused wood at my Hubby's shop that was calling my name!!!!

1- I had empty milk crates that needed some drastic TLC....slip covers! Lol

2- Unused wood that's sturdy enough for a bench to hold weight, yes I will use this too!!

3- Scrap fabric and elastic for covers (elastic hills the cover in place)

4-After measuring my crates widths and the length of the wood I was able to separate into 3 sections
(I'm only using 3 crates, considering the entry way space I have)

5-Drilled holes at the top where I'll be placing the supporting 2 slats (this will give the 3 crates their own section)

6- Measure the height you desire for the bench..make sure you allow space for your crates or baskets to slide under your bench.

7- Cut 4 pieces of wood that are all even
( you will want these to be so you won't end up having a "rocking bench")

7-Pick out a screw that will reach through your top piece (sitting part) into the top of your supports. Screw from the top to the bottom into your slats...now you have your bench!

I spray painted my bench legs and painted the top with acrylic paint I had left over from previous projects
      I chose these colors because it compliments my kitchen decor..I have a warm southern country atmosphere   
      Then, I covered the milk crates so they can slip on for easy washing and interchangeable options..Thanksgiving, Christmas, and All those wonderful holidays!!!

      Slide the milk crates under the bench and you have a nice functioning out of site storage for those 12 pair of shoes...or that's in my house at least! Lol

     Have fun and I hope I've been of some encouragement to you for your diy organizing back to school projects!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Missing Sock Dilemma: Sock Bag

OK...surely I'm not the only mom with the issue of those magically disappearing socks! It's amazing how they can vanish so quickly.

After each dryer load is emptied and folded I some how manage to have socks without their matches...interesting! I set out on a mission to solve this mystery, so found a temporary solution! COLLECT! Lol I would throw them into a designated bag set aside only for socks without their match. After a weeks collection set aside a time to dump the bag on the living room floor and puzzle match socks.

Wow....my bag was full, it was going to bust the seams! So, now time to back up and think about this yet...again!

Determined to solve this on going mystery I found a fun way for my children to help me prevent this problem from happening!!!

Sock Bags!

Yes! As simple as it is my kids were so exited to have their own individual sock bag! I have 4 children all with different size socks, this saves me time with sorting and the constant puzzle of what sock belongs to which kid!

I instructed each child they are to put their unfolded dirty socks directly into their sock bag...this is the part I love....I throw the whole bag into the washer and dryer so I don't have the sock puzzle after each load!!

I used an old spotted t-shirt and made a stocking pattern (like Christmas stockings) I used the bottom hem of the shirt as the casing for the elastic on the top of each sock bag.

1. Sew leaving the top open to thread elastic
2. Trim and clip curves
3. Measure enough elastic big enough to put your hand in but small enough so the socks won't come out during all that tumbling in the washer and dryer...thread through the casing (shirts hem) sew closed
4. One more detail...add a piece of ribbon as a loop so it can be hung on a door knob or hook
5. Decorate as you desire

So...the mystery has still been unsolved (where do those socks really go!?!?).....lol.....but I may have found the prevention!!!

All in all it teaches responsibility and helps save a lot of time!!!

Have fun with this project and let me know if it helps you with your mystery of socks!!!

Until next time, God bless and stay creative!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

DIY Makeup Remover Solution Part 2

   Hi, glad you came back! In the last post I showed you a simple diy for making makeup removing wipes out of terry clothe and old t-shirt scraps! Now you are ready for the makeup removing solution!

* organic coconut oil
* baby shampoo (no tears)
* 1 cup distilled or boiled water
*  mason jar of your choice, I used a flat wide mouth jelly jar

***Note*** wash your makeup wipes before first use, removes lent or any other dirt so it won't end up on your face later!

1.  Clean your jar out free of debris

2. Warm distilled water in microwave, if using boiled water let cool enough to touch.

3. Pour water into your jar, don't fill to the top! Be sure to leave some room for the wipes.

4. Add about 1 Tablespoon coconut oil (this will melt in warm water), and 1 teaspoon baby tear free soap.

5. Add your makeup removing pads one at a time into the jar and your done! Before each use I turn my jar for a little shake so I get all the ingredients distributed evenly in case of any settling.

Remember this is a general recipe please feel free to tweak and experiment to your specific needs!

Have fun with this and I hope this has been of some help to you!

Please leave comments and let me know how this has helped you!

Coming soon...the mystery project I've been working on..corn starch, baking soda and magnets to organize my kiddos chores and to keep me on track with my own
"to do's" as well!! I'm excited about this one!

See you soon!

Friday, July 5, 2013

DIY- Makeup Removing Wipes Part 1

   Hello there!!! It's been awhile since my last posts, due to surgery. I'm doing great, just waiting to heal up so I can be 100% again...couch potato is just not my style.

   I can't wait to get back out to my garden and enjoy a little bit of sun rays before going back to work and kids in school.

   The last few weeks left of summer to do belated spring cleaning and those fun crafts I had a mile long list of "want to do this summer".

   I have a fun craft we are in the process of at the moment that my kids are helping me with. So I will post that one when it's complete, cornstarch and baking soda to help me organize chores...ooh yes! Stay tuned! Lol more on that later though!

    To satisfy the crafty side while still limited to my movements, here is a quick but very useful "mom time craft"

DIY makeup remover wipes and makeup remover solution I'm calling....
      Now you see it, now it's gone!

       My reasons for making
DIY facial care?

Sensible, frugal, healthy, fun
environmentally friendly, I can tweak it to my needs!

   Soon I'll be back to work, on my feet all day. Having to come home and tame the house, kids, homework, and not to mention dinner...the last thing I want to do is spend 30 more extra minutes in a hygienic routine just to remove makeup. I want to be clean, and crash my head to the pillow!     

    Part of my routine use to include those disposable makeup remover wipes. Then they got more expensive, so I learned to do without and took the lengthy road of washing old fashion way..soap, water, rag. That gets old quick due to the fact it requires standing on my aching feet even longer! Well having time to search the Web, here we are, I put what I found to work! Lets get started!!

+ old t-shirt
+ terry clothe
+ sewing machine

Makeup remover solution is tomorrows post

1. I purchased terry clothe wash rags at Dollar Tree 2 for $1...not bad! I always keep old ragged
t-shirts around. (perfect for cleaning glass and windows)

2. Cut t-shirt to the size of the terry clothe.

3. I folded the fabric to desired size (about 2x3 inches) and cut on the folded creases. I didn't use measure and cut method, this time I chose the "get it done quick" method...I'm guilty, I was eager! Lol

4. Dust sewing machine off! It's amazing how much dust accumulated in 2 weeks! Set your stitch to be small mine was a 2.

Almost there!! Keep reading!!!

5. Get one terry clothe and one
t-shirt square, place right sides together (beginner sewers, this is the softest side of each fabric, this will be the finished product that will bee used on your face) pin if need be and sew 3 sides.

6. Clip corners (allows for turning) and cut any excess fabric on the sides. Turn inside out, push corners out.

7. Fold in the opened edge you left for turning, sew closed and continue on the other 3 sides so it's a uniformed look. Not to mention helps it have a nicer finished look on edges. (mine curved a bit but don't be alarmed when soaked it will be flat)

And there you have it, reusable, not to mention affordable DIY makeup wipes!

Don't forget to wash the wipes before you use them.

Tomorrow I will be back to share my DIY makeup remover solution. It's gentle on eyes and healthy for you too without all the alcohol or bad chemicals.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Removing Temporary Tattoos

Temporary tattoos are fun for kiss goody bags and just pain fun...but when its time to go see family out of town or Sunday morning church time its not appropriate.

The labels on the tattoos say use rubbing alcohol to remove, but my kids skin turns red from rubbing and ends up being a sticky non ending task to remove! I've tried even letting then bath and soaking the area to be removed and still doesn't work as effectively.

My MomOfour trick is easier on the skin and removes quicker and cleaner than rubbing your child's
Top layer of skin off!

Easy and I know you have it in your cabinets!!


Finger nail polish! Any type..I use generic brands and work as well as the top brand products!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bathroom Drab to Fab part 2

 This project didn't take as long as I thought it might, I did have a good but of anticipation to see the finished product!! Step by step this is what I did....
  Color Theme...I took paint chips and matched the wood and the floor colors which were not going to change. I then chose a wall color and picked out a granite color that would flow better with what I  already have (wood trim and flooring)


#1 Prep the area by removing old caulking, clean and run a fresh bead of paintable caulking around the sink and wall, let dry 24 hrs
#2  Protect walls and sink with painters tape. Apply primer to the clean dry surface (Used the kilz brand and applied 2 coats)
#3 Start applying your first layer of acrylic paint (granite has multi-colors) with a sea sponge or scrunched paper towel
#4 Apply second color and keep layering until you get the result you planned for
#5 After dried completely start applying the clear sealant (I applied 7-8 layers with 2 hr drying time between)
#6 Allow to dry then take a utility knife to score a clean line to remove the tape without peeling (gives a straight line against the wall)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bathroom drab to fab part 1

Trying a new blogging site...taking it for Test   drive..this one has a bit more room not to mention more  options. I get frustrated going through the other site due to the fact it has too many bugs and in much need of attention to be fixed!!!! I want to share a day walking in a mother of fours shoes! I find ways to make crafts, bake, sew, and juggle a  farm & house full of kiddos! Right now my latest project was a secret until today when I revealed the finished project to my  husband. My bathroom needed a major redo! After 7 years the 1970's look expired, talking had to go!! On a budget as well. So the focus for change was that counter, eye soar!! These are the Drab before Fab pictures of the  challenged space.
     I will continue tomorrow showing you the steps of my bathroom make over " Drab to Fab"
