Hello there!!! It's been awhile since my last posts, due to surgery. I'm doing great, just waiting to heal up so I can be 100% again...couch potato is just not my style.
I can't wait to get back out to my garden and enjoy a little bit of sun rays before going back to work and kids in school.
The last few weeks left of summer to do belated spring cleaning and those fun crafts I had a mile long list of "want to do this summer".
I have a fun craft we are in the process of at the moment that my kids are helping me with. So I will post that one when it's complete, cornstarch and baking soda to help me organize chores...ooh yes! Stay tuned! Lol more on that later though!
To satisfy the crafty side while still limited to my movements, here is a quick but very useful "mom time craft"
DIY makeup remover wipes and makeup remover solution I'm calling....
Now you see it, now it's gone!
My reasons for making
DIY facial care?
Sensible, frugal, healthy, fun
environmentally friendly, I can tweak it to my needs!
Soon I'll be back to work, on my feet all day. Having to come home and tame the house, kids, homework, and not to mention dinner...the last thing I want to do is spend 30 more extra minutes in a hygienic routine just to remove makeup. I want to be clean, and crash my head to the pillow!
Part of my routine use to include those disposable makeup remover wipes. Then they got more expensive, so I learned to do without and took the lengthy road of washing old fashion way..soap, water, rag. That gets old quick due to the fact it requires standing on my aching feet even longer! Well having time to search the Web, here we are, I put what I found to work! Lets get started!!
+ old t-shirt
+ terry clothe
+ sewing machine
Makeup remover solution is tomorrows post
1. I purchased terry clothe wash rags at Dollar Tree 2 for $1...not bad! I always keep old ragged
t-shirts around. (perfect for cleaning glass and windows)
2. Cut t-shirt to the size of the terry clothe.
3. I folded the fabric to desired size (about 2x3 inches) and cut on the folded creases. I didn't use measure and cut method, this time I chose the "get it done quick" method...I'm guilty, I was eager! Lol
4. Dust sewing machine off! It's amazing how much dust accumulated in 2 weeks! Set your stitch to be small mine was a 2.
Almost there!! Keep reading!!!
5. Get one terry clothe and one
t-shirt square, place right sides together (beginner sewers, this is the softest side of each fabric, this will be the finished product that will bee used on your face) pin if need be and sew 3 sides.
6. Clip corners (allows for turning) and cut any excess fabric on the sides. Turn inside out, push corners out.
7. Fold in the opened edge you left for turning, sew closed and continue on the other 3 sides so it's a uniformed look. Not to mention helps it have a nicer finished look on edges. (mine curved a bit but don't be alarmed when soaked it will be flat)
And there you have it, reusable, not to mention affordable DIY makeup wipes!
Don't forget to wash the wipes before you use them.
Tomorrow I will be back to share my DIY makeup remover solution. It's gentle on eyes and healthy for you too without all the alcohol or bad chemicals.
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